Welcome to the Governors page of our school website. We are extremely proud of our school, our staff and the achievements of our pupils; your children. We strive to achieve academic excellence and sporting fulfillment influenced by our Christian values; and we try to do this in a way we hope your children find engaging and fun.
Our role is one of strategic oversight, vision setting and decision making, creating robust accountability for school leaders. This includes ensuring that our school prepares pupils for life and the workplace by building their character and resilience and by protecting them from the risks of extremism and radicalisation. Our core functions for effective governance are;
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, our pupils and the performance management of our staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of our school and making sure our money is well spent.
Our Governing Body have a diversity of perspectives to ensure robust internal challenge and have a positive relationship with the Headteacher and staff. We are fully integrated into school life, its heartbeat, and interaction with the local community. We try to improve our performance through self evaluation and collaboration with other schools further afield. We each have a passion to do the very best we can to develop every child placed in our charge and hope that you share and support our values.
You will find below details of all governors including the nature of each appointment, attendance record and any declared interests.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our school. Please peruse the other items on our website to enlighten you even further on what we do and have achieved. You are most welcome to visit whenever is mutually convenient. This can be arranged by contacting the school on 01946 841221.
A number of websites contain further information relating to school governance. One you may find particularly informative is the National Governors Association and is at;
Chair of Governors
Beckermet Church of England Primary School Governing Body
Governor No. of Meetings Re-election Date
attended academic
year 2023/24
Mrs Claire Birkett 1/1 Permanent
Chair of Governors
Mrs Kiera Connor
Vice Chair
Mr Ian Skipper
Staff Appointed Governor
Mrs Sue Alderson 1/1 31 August 2028
Local Authority Appointed Governor
Vacancy 0/0
Foundation Governors
Rev Rachel Cunliffe (Ex Officio) 1/1 Permanent
Mrs K Connor 1/1 01 January 2028
4 Vacancies
Parent Governor
Mrs Claire West 1/1 07 January 2027
Mr James Connor 1/1 02 December 2025
Mr Ian Skipper 1/1 02 December 2025
Clerk of Governors
Mrs Lenore Thomson Permanent
All Governors serve a term of 4 years
None of our Governors have any business interests relevant to the school
None of our Governors have any financial interest relevant to the school
We would like any parents who are interested in being part of the governing body in the role of parent governor to contact Mrs Thomson in the office.
Governing Body Committees
Health & Safety Committee
Mrs C Birkett
Mrs K Connor
Mrs C West
Mr J Connor
Finance Committee
Mrs C Birkett
Mrs K Connor
Mr I Skipper
Staffing & Curriculum
Mrs C Birkett
Mrs K Connor
Mrs S Alderson
Rev R Cunliffe
Appeals Committee
Mrs C Birkett
Mrs K Connor
Mrs S Alderson
Admissions Committee
Mrs C Birkett
Mrs K Connor
Mrs S Alderson
Grievance & Exclusions Committee
Mrs C Birkett
Mrs K Connor
Mrs C West
Rev R Cunliffe