Reception Home learning
Home Learning
Morning everyone! Home learning for today if needed.
Please do any work from today in your homework book if possible.
New speed sound 'ur'. Please watch the video.
Video available here
Please also have a look over the other speed sounds in your child's record record (first page), focusing on no more than 3 speed sounds at a time.
Read your favourite story with an adult or sibling. Discuss what you like about the book and something that you don't like.
Task- Character study
Select one character from the book, you should be good at these as we have done a few!
Step 1: Draw your chosen character
Step 2: Physical features- what does your character look like? Are they small/ big, do they have sharp teeth, what do they wear, what colour are they? Choose two and write these around or below the character that you have drawn.
Step 3: Personality description - what is your character like? Are they shy, sneaky, quick, mean, scary, kind, silly, clever, strong, brave. Write two please.
Accurate counting practice and number formation. Please write the answers in homework book-(click the link here)
History: Adventures through time
In history we have been looking at the past and present.
Please watch the video- Katie's Picture show (click here).
Discuss some of the following objects/ questions:
- Cart – a piece of equipment with wheels that a horse pulls along.
- Fan – a flat object that is waved to move air around.
- Hoop – a circular toy that can be rolled.
- Do they do anything differently?
- Was there anything they had not seen before?
Next, click the link (click here) and sort the pictures into past and present, these do not need printed but can be discussed.
Questions to think about
- Did any of the objects Katie saw look familiar?
- What can you see in the pictures?
- How have the objects changed over time?
- How do you know that this picture is in the past/present?
- Do you know what this object is?
- Have they used any of these objects?
- Why do we not have this anymore?
- What do we use now instead of …?
- What did people wear in the past?
- What do people wear now?
In science we are currently focusing on the different types of materials and their properties.
A material= something that an object is made from
Task: Go on a scavenger hunt around the house looking for objects that are made from:
- Wood
- Plastic
- Metal
- Fabric
- Wood
Properties- Can you describe any of the materials that you have found using the properties below?
- Shiny
- Dull
- Rough
- Smooth
Good morning all, I hope you are all ok!
Please do any work from today in your homework book if possible (apart from maths as this is practical).
Phonics:New speed sound 'are'. Please watch the video.
Video available here.
Please also have a look over the other speed sounds in your child's record record (first page), focusing on no more than 3 speed sounds at a time.
Literacy: In literacy Reception have been focusing on the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers,in the story a penguin appears on the boys doorstep with no clues to why he is there. The boy believes the penguin is lost and both go on a journey to the South Pole, taking the penguin home. Over the past week Reception have been adapting the story, changing the penguin to a different animal and also changing where their animal lives. We discussed what Reception would pack if they were going to the South pole, these would include items of clothing that would keep them warm for example hats, gloves etc.
Task: Reception to make a list, drawing and writing 4 items that they might need for their new destination of choice. For example a few children decided that their new animal would be a tiger/ lion and their home would be Africa. Perhaps they would need to pack suncream, sun hat and sunglasses due to the weather? Have a chat with your child, asking what their new animal is and where they are travelling to.
Maths: In maths, Reception have been focusing on height and length this week.
Task: Children to go on a scavenger hunt looking for various items to compare their height and length, using vocabulary such as short, tall, tallest and shortest for height.
Length vocabulary- short, long, shorter,longer, shortest and longest.
If Reception have the resources they can also build towers of differing heights and order these from shortest to tallest or use play-doh to make snakes that are different lengths.
If possible it would be lovely to see some pictures of the children's findings.
In RE, Reception have been looking at some of the stories that Jesus heard from the Old Testament.
The first thing I would like Reception to do is... discuss what your favourite story is and why?
Next, play the story Noah's ark (click here for the link). Once you have watched the video I would like you to discuss these questions with your child:
1.Who was Noah? A man that tried to make the right choices and built a boat
2.Why did Noah bring the animals to the ark? God created a flood and Noah saved the animals.
3.Why was God sad? People were lying, fighting, stealing and choosing sin.
4.How many of each animal did Noah bring on the ark? 2 of every kind.
5.Why did people laugh at Noah? They thought he was silly and they didn't believe him.
6. What animal would you take on Noah's ark if you could only choose one? Draw a picture of your animal.
PE: Follow a workout of your choice from Joe Wicks Youtube (see link)
Stay safe all, please don't hesitate to get in touch.