Year 2 Home Learning
Monday 27th January 2025
Good morning! Hopefully, we will not need this, but just in case...
Session overview | Year 1 resources | Year 2 resources |
Phonics and spelling - Complete another spelling activity from your homework pack and use the links to play phonics and spelling games. |
For less confident readers: For more confident readers: | |
Maths -
Access code is wh fv ux kk
The children set their own password for this. If they are not sure what it is, message me.
Or make place value cards (either print out or cut out of card/paper) and practise making numbers. Use them to practise reading numbers and explaining the place value of the digits. Keep the pointy bit pointing right.
E.G. 56 is made of 50 and 6. It has 5 tens and 6 ones. 50 + 6 =56. For more confident learners, try covering different parts and see if your child can work out the bit you are hiding!
Place value cards Y1 | Place value cards Y2 |
Literacy - watch this clip and then write a paragraph describing one of the characters. This is a cold task so it should be written independently and should be about 20-30 minutes work. It's okay to discuss what they are going to write about first, encourage them to get their ideas down and help them break down the sounds in words that they are stuck on. The lined paper is not essential but should help you child with sizing their letters. |
Wider handwriting lines | Narrower handwriting lines |
Handwriting - Practise the up and downer shapes. To write these we got up, down and flick. Trace the letters first, remembering to START ON THE LINE each time! |
up and downers practise PDF.pdf | up and downers practise PDF.pdf |
History - Research toys from the past. Draw and label them with the materials and features. Try and do at least 4 toys. Here are some links to investigate: |
Friday 24th January 2025
Good morning! Here are the activities for today's home learning.
Session overview | Year 1 resources | Year 2 resources |
Phonics and spelling - Complete one of the spelling activities from your homework sheets this week and use these links to play phonics and spelling games | For more confident readers: | |
Maths - Try to answer the questions using mental methods only.
For further Maths, try using our new site
Access code is wh fv ux kk
The children set their own password for this. If they are not sure what it is, message me.
Year 1 mental aritmetic | Year 2 mental arithmetic |
R.E. - Watch the following video and recap on the story of Jesus and the Lepers Click for video . Try writing a thank you letter from one of the lepers to Jesus. | Letter template | Letter template |
Art - Tell your adults what the primary colours are and how you can mix them to make other colours. Look at this artwork by Jasper Johns Click here. Try using primary colours and colour mixing to make your own number based artwork. You can either use the number template provided or create your own idea. If you don't have paints, use whatever media you can. |
Template for artwork | Template for artwork |
Monday 7th November
Good morning
Today we are continuing to story map Little Red Riding Hood.
Reread the story with an adult here.
Now retell the story using your own story map you started last week.
Look at the example story map here.
Complete your own story map here.
Retell the story using your own story map. Use lots of expression to tell the story.
Today we are adding two 2-digit numbers not crossing ten.
Watch the video here.
Use 10p and 1p coins to add together two 2-digit numbers. Add 42p and 31p. Now can you add 64p and 23p? Add 17p and 52p.
Complete the addition questions and challenge questions here.
Thursday 3rd November 2022
Good morning
Today we are retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood using a story map.
Reread the story here.
How could this traditional tale start? What happens at the start? What happens next?
Look at the example story map with an adult. Here
Create your own story map here.
You don't need to story map the whole story, we will continue in next week's English lessons.
Retell the story using your story map.
Remember to use lots of expression as you tell your story.
Today we are subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number crossing 10.
First let's recap on our Year 1 learning. Watch the video here.
Now let's learn how to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number crossing 10. Watch the video here.
Complete the worksheet and challenge questions here.
If you have time log on to Maths Whizz.
This term we are going to celebrate difference.
Today we are going to :
- Start to understand that sometimes people make assumptions about boys and girls (stereotypes)
- Understand some ways in which boys and girls are similar and feel good about this
Read the following statements and say whether you agree or disagree
- All boys enjoy playing football
- All girls like drawing horses
- Most girls prefer the colour pink to any other colour
- Only boys enjoy computer games
- Most girls dislike football
- Boys prefer Lego to making jewellery
- Boys tend to have short hair
- Girls tend to have long hair
- Girls prefer cooking to playing football
Pause and think
- Are there similarities between what boys and girls like/dislike?
- Are there always differences?
- Can you think of some similarities between boys and girls?
Explain to your child that we sometimes make ‘assumptions’ about boys and girls. Explain that the word assumption means to think something automatically just because they are a boy/girl. Sometimes these can be right but sometimes they are not.
Think about you and your friend or a family member. Draw 4 things that you share that are similar. It maybe your hair colour or you both like music.
Label your shield We are special.
Wednesday 2nd November 2022
Good Morning
Today we are re-reading the traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood.
Talk about any unknown words with an adult.
Answer the questions about the story writing in full sentences.
Read the sentences. Cut them out and stick them in the correct order to retell the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Here is the worksheet.
Today we are recapping adding by making 10. Watch the video below.
Here is the video:
Here is the master the curriculum worksheet.
We are learning to add across 10.
Here is the video:
Here is the white rose worksheet.
Friday 16th September 2022
Today we are looking at 3 digit numbers. Here is the video:
Here is the worksheet.
We are going to carry on looking at our new book: Julius Zebra Entangled with the Egyptians! Read this part of the text and come up with your own actions to memorise the story! Image here
If you have time do some reading for pleasure!
We are starting our new topic: Light. Around home, see if you can find different sources of light! Then, test your knowledge with this crossword and quiz maker.
Thursday 15th September 2022
Today we are looking at number lines. Here is the video:
Have a go at this worksheet: activity here
Log on to MathsWhizz if you have time!
SPaG - look at these PowerPoint slides and then have a go at the worksheet!
If you have time do some reading for pleasure!
Join in on the Egyptian fun! Have a go at this song on Just Dance:
Tuesday 13th September 2022
Morning! Start the day with this mindfulness activity:
We are carrying on with place value and partitioning numbers to 100. Here is the video:
Have a look at this worksheet:
If you have time log on to MathsWhizz.
If you have time do some reading for pleasure!
Guided reading:
Read the first 3 chapters of The Twits and then complete the Hairy Faces, Mr Twit and Dirty Beards questions!
Book here:
We are starting our Ancient Egyptians topic today. Complete this mind map with what you already know and then have a look at this video:
Log on to purple mash and play around with a coding game:
Monday 12th September 2022
Good morning! Warm up with this handwriting exercise:
Today we are starting our first topic - place value! Here is the video:
Have a look at this worksheet:
If you have time, log on to MathsWhizz.
In English we are going to write a newspaper report. A zebra has escaped Egypt! Using this, write a newspaper report to describe their escape! This is part of our assessment so have fun and give it your best shot!
If you have time, pick up a book to do some reading for pleasure!
We are starting our new topic - Harvest. What does the word harvest mean to you? Note down what you already know about Harvest, what you would like to know and any questions you may have about it! Then watch this video:
Have a go at this workout this afternoon!
Friday 29th April 2022
Start the day with some physical exercise. Try one of Andy's workouts here
To begin our SPAG lesson we will start with a quick quiz.
Click here
Today we are going to explore conjunctions click here
Activity here
Activity here
Today we are going to continue to explore lengths. Here is the video
Click here for the worksheet
If you have time, log on to Maths Whizz.
Last week we explored the meaning of local and began to local at a local hero, Carlisle Spedding.
This week you are going to be a historical investigator.
You are going to explore some photographs and discuss what you can see and what that makes you think.
Click here for some prompt questions to help you
Click here to explore some photographs
Click here for the chart to be completed
For example look at the photograph of the men.
I can see a policeman. I think this was taken in the past because the policeman 's uniform is very different today.
Thursday 28th April 2022
Today we are ordering lengths. Here is the video.
Click here for the worksheet.
If you have time, log on to Maths Whizz.
The Giant Jam Sandwich uses lots of rhyming words. Listen to the story again here. Once you have listened to it, take a look at it written down here and make a note or underline all of the words that rhyme, like this:
One hot summer in Itching Down
Four million wasps flew into town.
Once you have found all the rhyming words, see if you can think of some more words that rhyme. So I could rhyme crown with down and town.
Today we are going to explore plants.
Explore using the internet different kinds of wild flowers and draw and label them.
Friday 1st April 2022
We are finishing off fractions with some problem solving. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet to have a go at. Remember to use things around the house to help you work out the problems and read the questions carefully.
Today we are going to explore adverbs.
Activity here (complete page 3)
Remember to go on Maths Whizz today
Have a wonderful Easter
Thursday 31st March 2022
Today we are counting in fractions. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet.
Have a go at making your own fraction number lines by drawing pictures to go alongside the fractions on these number lines.
They might look a bit like this:
We are going to use our research from yesterday to write a set of instructions telling someone how to look after the Easter Bunny.
It is important to use imperative (bossy) verbs when writing instructions. Here is a mat showing lots of imperative verbs, which do you think we might use in our instructions?
We will come up with a title and an opening sentence for our instructions on our Zoom. I will also go through how we will set it out into different sections.
Here is a checklist for what I would like you to include in your instructions.
Listen to a story called The Kindness Quilt here
Today I would like you to make a quilt of lots of different acts of kindness you have done. Draw a picture then back it onto different types of coloured materials or paper and produce a kindness quilt.
Wednesday 30th March 2022
Today we are finding three quarters. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet. Remember to use objects from around the house to help you make 4 equal groups.
The Easter Bunny is thinking about coming to visit us at school so we need to be prepared to look after him. Today we are going to do some research about how to care for rabbits.
Here is a piece of writing for you to have a look at.
Here are some websites you can use:
I would like you to organise your research into four different sections. Here is a worksheet to help you organise it.
To complete our RE unit of work on the signs and symbols or Easter I would like you to reflect and draw as many signs and symbols of Easter.
Circle the ones which you are feel reflect the true meaning of Easter.
Today I would like you to draw a picture and write a paragraph about what you feel the true meaning of Easter is.
Tuesday 29th March 2022
Today we are learning about equivalent fractions and how 1/2 is the same as 2/4. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet.
Remember our fraction walls we made. Here is a reminder for you.
Today we are reading together and answering some questions about the story.
Click here for the story - read pages 1-4.
Here are some questions to answer. Remember to answer in full sentences and all of the answers are found in the story.
Don't forget to go on Maths Whizz and do some home reading.
Monday 28th March 2022
Today we are going to look at unit and non-unit fractions. There are 2 videos to watch today. Click here to watch the first video. Have a go at the first page of this worksheet.
Once you have done that click here to watch the second video. Then you can try the second page of the worksheet.
Here are our spellings for this week for you to practise. Have a go at some sentences using our spellings. Here is a worksheet to help you.
Maybe you could try to plan your own test and test other materials. How will you make it fair?
Friday 25th March 2022
Today we are going to practise finding a fraction of an amount. Click here for a sheet to practise missing number problems. Complete page 1. Remember to use lego, pasta, whatever you have at home to help with sharing into equal groups.
Next, try some trickier word problems. Have a go at four of the challenges. Remember to read through them carefully and think about what the question tells us and what we need to find out.
If you have time, log on to Maths Whizz.
Today we are in our SPAG lesson we are going to explore commas.
You have been set a 2do on Purple Mash
Finally we will be creating our Mum's a mothers day card. Have a look at some design below.
Thursday 24th March 2022
Morning Task
I have set you a quiz of this weeks spellings on Purple Mash in your 2Dos.
Today we are going to find a third of a shape or an amount. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet.
We have been getting into poetry in class with our new Poetree display. Each day somebody new reads out a poem of their choice.
Click here and read a poem about a sunflower.
Have a go at answering these questions about the poem:
- What colour is the pot?
- What is the name of the sunflower?
- What did the child do when they felt angry?
- Find and copy one word which shows that there was a small amount of water given to the sunflower.
- What did the child do after they covered the seed with soil?
- How do you think the child felt when they realised that their sunflower was the shortest in the year group?
Remember to try and answer the questions in full sentences.
Today we are going to explore landmarks in the UK and around the world.
Did the landmarks attract visitors?
Did they make you ask questions and say WOW!
There are many landmarks around the world
Use google earth to see if you can find them
What continent are they in?
Make a list
Now choose 2 which you are interested in and see if you can create a poster or fact file about the landmark and the country it is found in.
Wednesday 23rd March 2022
Morning Task
Practise your times tables. Have a game of Hit the Button. Focus on 2s, 5s, and 10s.
We are moving on to recognising a third today. Here is the video. After you have watched the video have a go at making a mini fraction wall. Here is a template for you to use. I will go through how to fill it in on our Zoom this morning.
Click here for the worksheet.
Traction Man uses everyday objects from around the house to carry out his adventures.
Have a look around the house and think of what objects he could use, or what might make a great villain.
Make a list using expanded noun phrases. Here is an example:
Nasty Professor Sweeping Brush has beady, blue eyes. Traction Man uses the spiky prongs of the fork to trap him in the dusty, old garage.
Here is a video and a quiz to remind you about expanded noun phrases if you can't remember.
I would like you to recall as many symbols of Easter. How many could you think of ?
Which ones do you think really represent the true meaning of Easter?
One of the symbols of Easter is a cross.
Why do you think a cross is a symbol of Easter.
Click here to remind yourself of the Easter Story
The cross reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us all. Today I would like you to create a cross. Look at some of the examples below.
Tuesday 22nd March
Morning Task
Practise your spellings! Look, Say, Cover and Write or ask an adult to test you on them.
After yesterday you should be confident about what 1/4 is and be able to recognise 1/4 of a shape. Have a look at this website for a reminder.
Today we are finding 1/4 of shapes and amounts. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet to have a go at.
Choose one of the characters from Traction Man. You could choose Traction Man, Scrubbing Brush, the boy or Grandma.
Write a character profile for your chosen character.
You can use this worksheet to help you organise your ideas.
After you have written your profile, draw a picture of your character.
Take a Break
Don't forget to do some reading for at least 15 minutes,
Art and Design
We have explored shading and looking closely at shape. Today we are going to look closley at observational drawings.
As the sun is shining their are lots of shadows being cast. Have a look to see if you can see some. Place a piece of paper on the floor and draw around the shadow. Then add colour to your drawing - you could use pencil, paint or crayon. Can your family guess what they are?
Don't forget to share your work on the classdojo
Monday 21st March 2022
Remember to access WhizzMaths.
Maybe you could try to plan your own test and test other materials. How will you make it fair?
Here are this week's spellings. Have a go at writing your own sentences using the spellings.
Have a go at this worksheet. It is a section of Traction Man. Read through first then use the word bank to insert the correct adjectives.
Friday 25th February 2022
Complete Purple Mash 2Do
We are carrying on with 2D shapes today. Click here
Today we are going to explore verbs click here
Don't forget to have a go on Maths Whizz
Today we are going to explore what keeps you healthy and what motivates you to be healthy.
Think of 4 things that you do that keep you healthy.
Think carefully about why do you do it?
Design a poster to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle
Thursday 24th February 2022
Morning Task
Have a look in your 2Dos on Purple Mash. I have set a quiz of this week's spellings.
We are carrying on with 2D shapes today and counting their vertices. Click here for the video for today's lesson.
Here is the worksheet for you to have a go at.
If you have time, log on to Maths Whizz where I have set you some shape work. Try and get your three progressions for this week!
Traction Man is Here again today! Click here for a video of the story being read aloud to remind you. Stop the video when Traction Man saves the farm animals.
Today we are going to answer some questions about the story so far. Here is the story written out to help you answer the questions:
Traction Man is here! (wearing combat boots, battle pants and his warfare shirt.)
Traction Man is zooming down in his jet-powered trainer towards the planet duvet wearing his latex space suit and Perspex helmet.
The farm animals are being held captive by the evil pillows.
Traction Man jumps on the pillows. (He is wearing his rocket boots.)
“Ow!” they cry and lumber away.
The farm animals rejoice.
Now try answering these questions. Remember to write your answer as a full sentence. For number 1 your sentence should start. 'Traction Man is wearing...'
- What is Traction Man wearing when he arrives?
- How does Traction Man zoom down to planet duvet?
- What do the pillows say when Traction Man jumps on them?
- Who is Traction Man trying to save?
- What do you think happened to the first Traction Man doll? Why?
- Do you think the boy has any brothers or sisters? Why?
Today we are going to begin to explore the topic of materials.
I would like to explore objects in your home and complete sentences.
The object is a bottle.
The material is plastic.
The bottle is made from plastic.
Tuesday 8th February 2022
Morning Task
Practise your handwriting using your spellings. Try putting each one into a sentence.
Today we are looking at pictograms again. Our focus is on pictograms where 1 picture = 2, 5 or 10 items so you will need to use your times tables.
Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am where we will look at some problems using pictograms.
We are going to finish reading Beegu today and find out if she makes it home! Log on to our English Zoom at 10.25am to finish the story with us.
If you can't make it here is a video of the story being read.
Once you are familiar with the events in the story I would like you to create a story map.
Make sure your story map is clear and easy for you to follow and read. It is important that you know exactly what your story map says as we will be using them for a piece of writing tomorrow.
Today is Safer Internet Day. The theme this year is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.
Answer the questions at the end of the story then create an esafety poster highlighting all the important messages about staying safe.
Monday 7th February 2022
Morning Task
Here are our spellings this week as well as some ways you can practise. This week we are focusing on spellings that we are expected to know in Year 2.
Today I would like you to spend some time on Maths Whizz. I have set you a new topic focus and would like you to try and make 3 progressions this week.
Today we are going to learn about how to up-level our work. We will be editing and improving our character descriptions from last week. We will do this by adding in more description, changing our word choices, adding in conjunctions and correcting our spellings.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.30am where I will use some examples of our work to show you how to edit and improve.
On 6 February the Queen will became the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking a 70-year reign. A series of celebrations will take place throughout the year.
Click here to view some pictures of Queen Elizabeth
I would like you to draw a picture of Queen Elizabeth as a girl and now. Create a fact file about facts about her life.
Here are some more facts to help you. click here
Click here for worksheet or create your own at home
There is a competition to design a pudding for the Queen's Jubilee. If you could create the perfect desert, what would it be? Draw a picture and describe it.
Friday 4th February 2022
Bag a Breakfast
Today I would like you to start your day with a yummy, healthy breakfast.
What did you have?
How did you make it ?
How many scoops or sprinkles did you do?
How long did it take to make?
I would like you to make a food diary today. Draw a picture of what you have to eat and at what time.
Have a go here at creating your own Belly Beast. How many eyes will he have? How many legs? I can't wait to see your creation
Today is NSPCC Number Day so here is a number challenge for you to have a go at. Try pupil sheet B and see if you can solve all of the problems!
Watch the story of Jim and the Beanstalk here
There is a lot of measuring in the story of Jim and the Beanstalk. Today I would like you to draw around your hand, your foot and those of your family members and measure them using a ruler.
How many cm are they?
Remember to make sure when you use a ruler or tape measure carefully.
Can you sequence and order your families hands and feet from the biggest to the smallest?
Who has the largest or smallest hands?
Can you work out the difference between them?
Explore your home and measure lots of different things comparing the sizes.
I have set you a 2Do on purplemash.
You are going to create a pictogram. I would like you to explore your toys.
For example I drew a picture of a cuddly toy, a superhero, a car, a board game and a dinosaur. I then counted how many of each of them I had and created my pictogram.
Have a go at creating your own. It could be about food or colours of socks. It is up to you.
Where and how many numbers can you find in your home.
Finally when it is time for your tea or lunch. Maybe you could help your parents and follow a recipe to create a delicious family meal. Share your photos on the classdojo.
Thursday 3rd February 2022
Morning Task
I have set your spellings quiz in your 2Dos on Purple Mash. It is there twice so you can have another go if you get any wrong.
Today we are interpreting pictograms. That means we are going to be answering questions about the information that they show us.
Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet.
Up for an extra challenge? Here are some pictograms with questions. Pick one of the pictograms to focus on. Remember, be careful and look at the key!
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am.
We are writing a character description of our friend for Beegu today. You should have a good idea of what your friend is like and today it is time to write a detailed description using full sentences.
To help us we are going to look at some really effective character descriptions from other stories. Click here for some different character descriptions.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am where we will discuss what makes these effective and how we can use some of these features in our character descriptions.
Think about what details the writers have included and how they have helped us to imagine the characters. Is there one that you like more than the others? Why?
When you are writing your own character description you could do it in that style.
Log on to Purple Mash and a variety of tasks have been set for you.
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Morning Task
Log on to Times Tables Rockstars and practise, practise, practise!
Today we are learning about pictograms. These are a way of recording data, like tally charts, but instead of tally marks, they use pictures.
Here is the video.
Click here for the worksheet.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am.
Think about everything you know about Beegu. She is lonely on our plant and needs a friend. What kind of friend do you think she would like?
Will Beegu's friend look like her or be different?
Draw your friend for Beegu first then create a mini fact file using these questions:
- Name
- Age
- Appearance
- What do they like doing?
- Personality
- Other characteristics
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am.
Last week we explored what a city is. Can you remember?
- Lots of different types of transport
- High rise building
- Lots of people
- Lots of businesses and variety of shops
This week we are going to compare cities and villages.
After you have completed the activities produce a picture which compare both settlements.
Tuesday 1st February 2022
Morning Task
Practise your handwriting using your spellings. Try putting each one into a sentence of your own.
Today we are looking at tally charts again and how to answer questions about them. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet. There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am.
Chinese New Year Storytelling
Today is Chinese New Year. This means the start of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. Each year is named after an animal and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. Click here for a video which will tell you the story Chinese New Year.
All of the animals were trying to make it across the river the fastest. They were all on a journey.
Today we are going to tell our own stories about making a journey.
To give you some ideas, here are some items to inspire you:
Chinese New Year Activities
Choose some of the activities from below:
Activity 6
Try to use each item in your story. The tiger could be your main character, or the villain, it's up to you! Think about where you want your character to be making a journey to. They might be trying to get home like Beegu!
Here is a story mountain to help you plan your journey story. Once you have a plan go for it! Let your imagination run wild!
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am.
Monday 31st January 2022
Morning Task
Here are our spellings for this week, they all end in al. If you don't have anybody to do back writing with then go straight to the dictionary challenge. Use an online dictionary if you don't have one at home.
Today we are learning how to use tally charts. Click here for the video.
Now have a go at making your own tally chart. Here is a sheet for you make a tally chart of how many windows and doors there are in your house.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am.
We are going to read some more of Beegu today in class so log on to the English Zoom at 10.25am.
Then I would like you to think about how Beegu's feelings change throughout the story.
Here are some feelings.
Try to match these feelings to the pictures below. Are there some that Beegu doesn't feel in either picture?
Once you have matched the feelings, write sentences to describe Beegu's feelings. Here is an example:
Beegu feels hopeful because she thinks she can hear her mother calling.
Try to use because in your sentences to explain why Beegu feels that way.
I want you to think back and reflect on the stories about Jesus and his friends that we have covered over the past few weeks. If you want to view to stories again click the stories below:
Think about and answer these questions:
In what ways do these stories show Jesus was a friend to everyone?
How do these stories help us to understand Jesus and the character of Jesus?
I wonder how and why did Jesus did these things to help these people?
Why did he speak to everyone?
What did Jesus want us to learn from his behaviour?
Finally I would like you to think of as many groups or organisations in our communities today who reflect Jesus behaviour in treating everyone as an equal and welcoming them such as : Our church, or Barnardos.
Draw a picture a nd write about what they do and how their work is so very important.
Friday 28th January 2022
Good morning why not begin your day with a little bit of exercise. Maybe join Andy on a workout.
Today we are finishing off division by dividing by 10. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet. Remember you can use things around the house to help you with sharing and grouping. Lego is great when dividing by 10!
Today in our SPAG lesson we are going to explore questions and commands.
Let's recap what we explored last week here
We are going to explore the physical and human features of geography.
Click here and complete all of the activities on the page.
Think of the last time you went out for a walk or a drive in the car. Draw as many physical and human features you saw and label them.
Don't forget to explore Whizz Maths, TTRS and read you book.
Last week we explored the habitat in the arctic. Can you remember some of the features of the arctic?
There were lots of animals there.
Today we are going to explore can a city be a habitat?
Don't forget to do some home reading
Tuesday 25th January 2022
Morning Task
Practise your handwriting using these sentences. They all include one of our spellings from this week.
Today we are dividing by 2. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet.
Remember to use things from around the house to help you, especially when you get to the trickier word problems.
There will a Maths Zoom at 9.25am where I will go through the trickier questions.
We are looking at a new book today and we are going to make some predictions about the story by using the illustrations. Log on to the English Zoom at 10.25am to have a look at the pictures and talk about them with us.
When we have talked about the picture here are some questions for you to think about and answer. Try to include as much detail as possible.
How important is it when working towards a goal to get on with others?
You have a challenge sheet which I gave you for homework.
Work with a family member to meet one of the challenges.
How easy or difficult was it to achieve the challenge.
I want you to think of activities that are easier to achieve working on your own or with a partner or group. Draw and write your answers. What makes working with a group easier to achieve your goals? What are the challenges? How do you overcome those challenges?
Upload you achieving your challenge onto the classdojo.
Monday 24th January 2022
Over the past few weeks we have been exploring who are Jesus' friends. Today we are going to explore a miracle that Jesus performs. Do you know what a miracle is?
A miracle is an extraordinary event which takes place that cannot be explained.
As you can see. Some people were not happy with Jesus. Maybe they were jealous of him or they thought he was doing things that only God himself should be doing or saying.
Today I would like you to draw a comic strip of the story highlighting the different characters feelings and emotions.
Friday 21st January 2022
Today we are making equal groups again. This time we are grouping instead of sharing.
Let's start with a recap of last year. Here is a video.
Here is a worksheet to jog your memory.
Now let's have a go at something a bit trickier. Here is the video.
You can try the worksheet here.
Today we are going to explore suffixes -ful and ness.
Last week we explored how animals and habitats are dependent upon each other for survival. Today we are going to take a close look at the different habitats and research them in detail.
Now that you have completed your research why not have a go at creating a collage or model of your favourite habitat.
Thursday 20th January 2022
Morning Task
Practise your 2 times table using this sheet. If you have any time left, log on to times table rockstars.
We are making equal groups by sharing again today. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am. Details on Dojo.
I will go through some of the trickier parts of the worksheet. Remember to use objects around the house to help with your sharing.
Carry on with finishing off your Katherine Johnson biographies if you haven't already.
If you have finished then I would like you to practise using conjunctions. Click here for some sentence beginnings and endings that need to be matched up using a conjunction. You need to decide which conjunction - if, that, when or because.
Once you have matched them up it's your turn to finish off some sentences using because. Pick 10 sentences from this sheet to finish off.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am. Details on Dojo.
I will go over some different conjunctions and we can practise using them in sentences.
Following on from last weeks lesson, we are going to listen to the second session of retelling the traditional Russian story of The Firebird including Stravinsky's dramatic score.
Listen to the music of the Nutcracker written by Tchaicovsky. What can you see when you listen to the music? Draw or paint what you can see, how you feel?
Wednesday 19th January 2022
Morning Task
I have set you a quiz for your spellings on Purple Mash. Log on to your account and it will be in your 2Dos. I have set it twice so if you get some wrong have another try.
Today we are recapping how to make equal groups by sharing. Here is the video. Hopefully this will sound very familiar and you will remember it from last year. :)
Click here for the worksheet.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am. In the Zoom I will go through some trickier problems. If you would like to have a look at them before the Zoom or try them in your own time they are here
Today I would like you to concentrate on finishing your biographies and making sure that you have written in your best handwriting and included as much information as you can.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am. I will go through each sub-heading and give some ideas for research that you could include or might have missed. We will also practise checking our work against our checklist.
If you do manage to finish your biography, be sure to bring it into school when you return as I would like to put them on display and show off Year 2's super writing!
Today we are going to look in detail at our country so we can compare it to Russia.
Now you know some of he landmarks in London. Try and make one.
Don't forget to strive for 5. Maybe you could look to see if you have any nonfiction books at home. How are they different to fiction books, story books?
Tuesday 18th January
Morning Task
We are practising our handwriting again today. Here are some sentences using our spellings. Once you've done the first ones, make up your own sentences for the rest of the spellings.
Today we are looking at the 10 times table in more detail. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am. Details on Dojo.
Today I would like you to continue with your Katherine Johnson biographies. Yesterday you should have completed your introduction and Childhood sub-heading. Today you can carry on with the rest of your sub-headings.
Once you have completed all of the sub-headings here is a checklist and some pictures that you might like to use on your final draft.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am. Details on Dojo.
Last week we explored who Jesus' friends are and we discovered that Jesus loved children and always welcomed them. We discovered that everyone was Jesus' friend even if some people were cross at Jesus for being friends with some people who they thought as being outcasts.
Before we begin I would like you to get a bag and place some objects in. If you have a scarf ask your parent to cover your eyes, or simply close your eyes. Can you guess what the objects are using your sense of touch. It be can quite difficult to work out what some of the things are.
Click here to watch one of the stories of Jesus
Everyday people walked passed and ignored Bartimaeus. On that day, Jesus took notice. Jesus saw him, listened and helped. Why do you think he stopped and helped?
I wonder how Bartimaeus felt when Jesus spoke to him?
Today I want you to write a letter to Jesus from Bartimaeus. What would he say?
Dear Jesus................
Don't forget to try and do some reading. Can you find any stories which someone is helped? What did they need and who helped them?
Monday 17th January 2022
Morning Task
Our spellings this week are all homophones. Click here for a list of this week's spellings and some ways to practise them.
Today we are looking at the 5 times table in more detail. Click here for the video.
The worksheet is here.
Why not try practising your 5 times table on times table rockstars or on the hit the button game which can be found here.
There will be a Maths Zoom at the slightly later time of 10.10am. Details on Dojo.
After completing our plans last week, now we are going to start writing our biographies of Katherine Johnson.
Today we will concentrate on our introductions and the childhood sub-heading. We are going to focus on our handwriting, spellings and writing extended sentences.
There will be an English Zoom at the later time of 11.10am. Details on Dojo.
Last week we discussed our successes and what made us proud.
What do you think the song is trying to teach us?
It tells us we can always strive to achieve the best that we can be, by looking ahead and working hard to achieve our dreams. We can always work hard to achieve our dreams.
Everyone has challenges. Things they find hard or difficult. Think of something that challenges you. Write it at the top the ladder.
Remember there is nothing you can't achieve. Thing of the steps you need to take to reach your goal. Write on the ladder the things you need to do to reach your goal. Click here
Here are some examples:
Try not to worry
Think positively
Ask for help
Work hard
Work with your friends
When you have completed your ladder. Colour the step which you think you will find the most difficult. Ask yourself why ?
What advice would you give someone who was struggling to reach their goal?
Create a poster with a word or phrase to support them.
Friday 14th January 2022
Zoom is at 10:30am today - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe powerpoint
Today we are looking at the 2 times table in more detail. Click here for the video.
Here is the worksheet to have a go at.
If you have extra time, log into your times tables rockstars account and carry on practising.
Today we are going to explore homophones. Click here
Choose 2 of the activities from here
Last week we explored food chains. We looked at the producer and the consumer. Can you remember? Draw a food chain and label your consumer and producer. Do you have a predator in there?
Now I would like you to draw a particular habitat and in that picture draw some of the animals found in that particular habitat. try to include some that would be part of a food chain.
Don't forget to read your reading book. Maybe you could explore the different settings your story take place.
Thursday 13th January 2022
Morning Job
I have set a quiz of this week's spellings on your purple mash account. Log in and it will appear on your 2dos.
Today we are recapping on making doubles. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet.
For an extra challenge here are some doubling cards. See how many you can work out. You can use things around the house, your 2 times table or column addition.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am. Details will be on Dojo.
After all of our research now we are going to plan our biographies. Here is a sheet to help you organise your plan but you don't need to print it, you can just use the headings. We are going to use all of our research and decide on what the sub-headings should be in our biographies.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am. Details will be on Dojo.
Following on from our lesson on Russia yesterday. We are going to listen to the first of three sessions retelling the traditional Russian story of The Firebird including Stravinsky's dramatic score.
I'm sure you will have seen a version of these dolls. These are Russian Matryoshka dolls or the Babushka. Russia are famous for making these wooden dolls.
Today I would like you to make your own version of the Babushka. Here are some ideas.
Wednesday 12th January 2022
Morning Task
Use the worksheet here to practise your 2 times table.
Today we are using arrays. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet.
There will be a Maths Zoom at 9.25am. I'll put the details on Dojo.
Today we are going to do some research for our Katherine Johnson biographies. Think about what information you already know about Katherine.
Click on each of the numbers for a different website you could use to find some facts about Katherine.
I would like you to organise your research into sections. Here is a sheet you can use to separate your research under sub-headings. Remember, you don't need to print out the sheet, just use the same sub-headings.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am. The details will be on Dojo.
Last week we recapped the continents and oceans.
Have a go here at the oceans quiz. If you have the work from last week you could use it to help you or if you have an atlas use that. Click here
Keep trying hard to remember where in the world your oceans and continents are.
This half term we are going to explore the country Russia. It is a very large country and it spreads across two continents. I wonder if you can find out which two?
Click here to find out more about Russia.
Now you have found out some interesting facts about Russia or maybe you could find out some more of your own. Complete the fact file here
Tuesday 11th January 2022
Here are some sentences using this week's spellings. Copy them down in your best cursive handwriting. Remember all your lowercase letters should be the same size. If you have time, make up your own sentences for the rest of the spellings.
Today we are continuing our work on multiplication using the x symbol by using pictures to make multiplication sentences.
Here is the video for today's lesson for you to watch before our Maths Zoom at 9.25am (I'll put details on Dojo).
Here is the worksheet for you to have a go at.
After you have completed the worksheet here are some multiplication sentences. Your challenge is to find any objects around your house to make the sentences with.
So, if the sentence is 2 x 3 you could use 2 equal groups of 3 pencils/socks/spoons/whatever you can find!
Today we are getting ready to write our own biographies by looking at the features of another. We are going to use an example of a biography which can be found on pages 1-3 here.
Here is the PowerPoint for today's lesson.
There will be an English Zoom at 10.25am (the details will be on Dojo).
Once you have looked through the PowerPoint I would like you to carry on describing what kind of information is included in each sub-heading by drawing lines in the same way I have on the PowerPoint.
This term we are going to explore Jesus, a friend to everyone.
So I would like you to think !
Who did Jesus make friends with?
Create a list of all the people the children can remember.
Jesus made friends with everyone.
He made time to speak to everyone, especially those who were considered by others, as not worthy of being spoken to by anyone.
There are many stories in the Bible that remind us of Jesus’ love for people of all ages and from any social background.
Today we are going to explore the story from Mark's Gospel, Jesus and the Children.
Jesus loved the children and was cross with the disciples for not recognising the importance and the gift a child is.
Today I would like you to produce a piece of artwork showing God's love for children.
Have a look at some ideas below.
Monday 10th January 2022
Today we are learning how to multiply using the x symbol. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet to have a go at.
If you have any time, keep practising your times tables on your times tables rockstars account.
Today we are starting a new book, 'Counting on Katherine' by Helaine Becker. Log on to my English Zoom at 10.25am to hear the start of the story (I'll pop the Zoom details on Dojo).
After the Zoom I would like you to sort these paragraphs into the order that they happen. Once they are in the correct order, highlight the information you think is the most important in each paragraph. I've included an example of what I mean here.
Here is a PDF version of the paragraphs.
Here are this week's spellings for you to practise. This week we are looking at the -le ending of words.
Today we are going to explore success. What is success? Could it be scoring a goal ? Get 10/10 on your spellings?
Challenge question? Who is successful the goalkeeper who lets the goal in or the the person who scores the goal ?
What do you think you have been successful at ?
Now I would like you to design and create a treasure chest. This week you must post in your treasure chest all your successes. Think hard you may have competed a puzzle, a lego challenge, finished a reading book, drawn a picture.......its your successes and I am proud of you!
Friday 7th September 2022
Today we are adding equal groups. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet to have a go at.
Today we are going to explore expanded noun phrases.
The worksheets to accompany the powerpoint are below:
Following on from the work we were doing before Christmas looking at animals and habitats. Today we are going to explore food chains and revisit some vocabulary we looked at before Christmas.
Thursday 6th January 2022
Today we are going to be making equal groups. Here is the video for today's lesson.
Click here for the worksheet to have a go at.
Today we are going to use the non-fiction writing we looked at yesterday to answer some questions.
Re-read the piece of writing about Women in NASA.
Here are some questions for you to think about and answer.
Today is the 6th January - Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, the time where the Wise Men visited Jesus.
Now write the story of the Epiphany click here to find a worksheet with key words on to help
The wise men brought the baby Jesus some special gifts. If you were going to take the baby Jesus a gift, what would it be and why?
Draw a picture of your gift and explain why you have given the baby Jesus that gift.
If you have time you could maybe find an old box at home and decorate it for the baby Jesus.
Wednesday 5th January 2022
Today we are looking at different ways to recognise equal groups.
Click here for the video of today's lesson.
Here is the worksheet for today's lesson.
Once you have completed the worksheet log on to your times tables rockstars account to practise your times tables.
Today we are looking at the features of non-fiction writing. Can you remember what non-fiction writing is?
Here is a piece of non-fiction writing about women in NASA.
Read pages 8 and 9 then look for some features in the piece of writing.
I would like you to find:
- Pictures
- Heading
- Sub-headings
- Dates
- Important information
Once you have found these features I would like you think about or write down why these features are important in a piece of non-fiction writing.
An example would be:
Heading = A heading is important because it tells us what the piece of writing is going to be about.
Let's recap our continents and look at the name of the oceans.
First click here to recap the continents
Can you remember the song we sang about the contents? click here
Next we will explore the oceans here
Activity 2 here
Extra bonus : Either try and draw a map of the world labelling the continents and oceans or complete this jigsaw here
Explore some games here
Monday 8th November 2021
Here are our spellings for this week for you to practise.
Today we are learning how to subtract two 2-digit numbers. Here is the video for today's lesson. Click here for the worksheet. Remember we are taking away not adding!
We are starting a new book today. Begin reading 'I Was There On Board the Titanic'. Try and read Chapter One with an adult. Discuss what we learn about the characters in the story.
Here is a collection of sentences from the book. Read through them and write down all the information about the characters that you can find in these sentences.
Time for lunch
We start every afternoon with our guided reading. Enjoy time reading your school reading book. Remember to stop and ask questions about the text. Why did that happen? What do you think will happen next? Why did they say that? etc.
As we usually have PE on a Monday afternoon please complete this activity here
Today we are going to explore what is a living thing and non living click here
Recap here
To finish draw a picture and label all the things living and non living.
Thursday 16th September 2021
Today we are learning about part-whole models. Click here to view the video . Click here for today's Maths worksheet on part-whole models using tens and ones. Here is a game to help you with part-whole models.
We are learning about bossy verbs. Click here for a bossy verb hunt and try and find all of the verbs that are being bossy! Next, try writing your own sentences using bossy verbs.
We are going to finish reading The Egg. Here is a video of the book being read aloud. Listen to the story and think about what you liked about the story.
Last week we explored what a monarch is. Remember a monarch is a King or Queen in our country.
Where do you think a King or Queen lives ?
Many Kings and Queens lived in castles. Click here to find out more
Today I want you to compare your home to a castle. Draw and label your home and a castle using the information from the powerpoint. Make a list of similarities and differences.
If you get some time maybe design your own castle. Which features will you keep or change. Maybe you might add some special features of your own.
Remember to share your work on the classdojo.
Have a good day