Monday 27th January 2025 - Y3&4
Morning everyone! Home learning for today:
Please do any work from today in your homework book.
Reading - read your book for at least 20 minutes. Discuss what happened with an adult and what you think will happen next. Try using the sentence frame 'I predict that ___ because__'.
Literacy - Write 2 paragraphs about your favourite film or book. The first paragraph should give a plot summary and the second is about why you like it. Try using a range of subordination and correlative conjunctions. Click here for some examples.
Maths - play 'Hit the Button' games - click here and practise your mental arithmetic here.
Science - draw and label diagrams of the digestive system. Use these words in your diagrams - click here. Then find out about different animals and the teeth that they have. Explain what teeth types they have and why.
P.E. - Get outside and get some fresh air!
Dojo me if you have any questions and I will try to answer in between power outages!
Friday 24th January 2025 Year 3 and 4 Home Learning
Morning everyone!
Have you had your breakfast? Have you cleaned your teeth? I hope so or you won't be ready to learn!
We were supposed to be swimming this morning, maybe I should suggest you do some front crawl in your bath or some singing in the shower!
Okay no swimming I'm afraid.
Please do any work from today in your homework book although if you have plain paper your art could go on that. If you don't you can do that in your homework book too.
If you have any problems or questions please contact me on ClassDojo
Start by doing at least 5 games on hit the button based on the times table you are learning or mixed times tables if you have passed them all already please.
Next I need you to answer the following fluent in 5 type questions. I'll be interested to see if you can write them out with Th, H, T, O above them like we do in class. 8754 + 3576 = 8542 - 3684 = 7004 - 3875 = 5423 x 6 = 760 divided by 5 =
Remember to write a real life story about one of the sums and share it with someone at home. Maybe you will write about cookies on a plate or sheep in fields.
The final part of your maths is an LBQ. To access it:
1st type in
2nd Select switch to independent study (in the middle of the screen part way down, on a tablet you may have to scroll down to find it)
3rd type in your access code which is xz h2 bk de
4th type in your name
5th type in the password 1 red book
You should then see some tasks one is maths (revision of place value) and 1 or 2 are English.
Go slow and steady on the maths task - I know you can do it
Your English tasks are on LBQ. One is a comprehension task and one is to do with apostrophes for possession. We have talked a lot about apostrophes for possession for example Mrs Murray's maltesers or Bob's bone (my dog!). Possession is all to do with someone having or owning something, it belongs to them.
Go slow and steady on both tasks, if you do I will know as I can see your results and how many attempts it took you to answer a question.
The last part of your English homework is to find somewhere very cosy and quiet in your house and curl up with your reading book. We always do 20 minutes reading in class but today you will be able to be much more comfortable than normal. remember to fill in your reading record and write what pages you have read
Art was going to be our fun Friday activity. I hope you can have a go at it at home. We are working towards making our own Egyptian scroll. Ancient Egyptians used scrolls as a method of sending messages or recording their thoughts and ideas much like we do with letters or books today. A scroll is a rolled piece of paper that contains text and sometimes images. Below are some examples of ancient Egyptian symbols but you are welcome to have a google and find lots more of them. Have a good look and choose some of your favourites. The third image below shows a sketch book and how someone has chosen some symbols and had a go at sketching them and colouring them in using a variety of different media such as crayons and paints.
I would love you to have a go at sketching a variety of symbols and/or hieroglyphics that you like. If you have colours please colour them in carefully thinking about the colours that Ancient Egyptian pictures tend to have. If you don't have colours don't worry just shade with your pencil or sketch some more symbols you like.
I think you deserve a couple of days off school now! Luckily it's the weekend so you can have 2 days off. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing your work in your homework book on Monday.